We at Skyvora honor your fundamental right to privacy and take every possible step to safeguard the data we collect.
We believe in working with the principle of Trust Building.
Data Protection is our prime concern. We always maintain transparency about how and where we use the personal data collected from our audience through this website.
I. What Personal Information we collect
Although our website is open to browse at any time without sharing any personal information, but still we collect few information like:
Name, E-mail ID, Mobile No., Place, Reason for Inquire and Your Message in the Inquiry Form.
Your Computer Information like your visits, your IP address, browser name etc via cookies. (Cookie Policy is also attached)
If you do not wish to provide the required personal information that is asked for, we will not be able to give you the respective services.
This website may contain inaccuracies and typographical and clerical errors.
For any of the queries related to our privacy policy, you may contact us either through email to Info@skyvora.in or through Enquiry Form in Contact us Page
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